Moana. Yes, does it not bring you images of the ocean, sunsets, wild seas, and tropical vibes?
I was thrilled when I was asked to help with the packaging concept for this brand. Moana is a skincare brand, made with love in Bali, created by my partner-in-crime Marissa Nasution. I owe it to nepotism for having landed me this project; nevertheless, I gave it my all in making sure she got what she wanted. I was entering my 121th month of pregnancy when I started the technical process, and things had gotten really frustratingly hot and heavy (my body) by then, but for Marissa to have created this brand and named it after her daughter, it was not a project that I wanted to take lightly.
When pronouncing the name Moana, with all its heavy vowels and island-heavy themes from its Disney namesake, Marissa wanted to articulate the O.
MOH-ANA. The vowel itself having a heavy sing-song tune akin to the ripples of the sea reminds me so much of this view in Bali.
Rough sketch on my iPad of the initial O
We wanted to incorporate the rhythm of the sea as much as possible into the simple typeface that Marissa requested, as to evoke the memories and set the setting of a beautiful tropical island. The fragrance she chose for each of the product line are also very reminiscent of life in the tropics. Lemongrass, citronella, coconut and lavender are ever present in the undertones of the organic skincare, and the combination took me back to sunsets in Bali, when citronella coils are being lit to usher away the mozzies, and cold lemongrass cocktails are served to start the night.
Sea and sunsets <3
Marissa had shown me some samples of the direction she wanted to head towards, so using the watercolour brush tool on Procreate with some simple setting change helped me achieve the overall light and washed down look. The product is for everyone— its organic and chemical-free base providing great skincare for babies all the way to grandparents, so the simple watercolour effect gives Moana a far more approachable took. We want people to be attracted and reach out for it, and I found based on experience that electric blues and dark reds just won’t do.
I hope to have given Moana a strong beginning, and look forward to seeing it evolve more. To shop the skincare, head here!